
Become a Partner
Junior Achievement of Southwest Virginia has been honored to recognize the achievements of our entrepreneurs and business legends for the past 32 years. The Annual Business Hall of Fame serves as our biggest fundraiser to help prepare our region’s youth for the real world. Become a sponsor of this prestigious event today!
All proceeds benefit JA of Southwest Virginia’s general operations and programming, which has served over 500,000 students since its founding in 1957.
Presenting Sponsor
Single sponsorship – $15,000
16 guests at two front row tables/16 VIP tickets/corporate logo projected on stage/logo on premier bar/ projection of company logo on the ballroom wall/logo on favors and invitation/full page ad in event booklet/recognition from the podium and logo displayed on screen during the event.
Laureate Sponsor
Two sponsorships – $10,000 –ONE LEFT
Table for 8 guests at front row table /8 VIP tickets/ projection of company logo on the ballroom wall/ half- page ad in event booklet/recognition from the podium/logo displayed on screen during the event.
One Left!
Entrepreneur Sponsor
Six sponsorships – $5,000
Table of 8 guests/4 VIP tickets/ corporate logo projected on ballroom wall/ quarter page ad in event booklet/recognition from the podium/logo displayed on screen during the event.
Three Left!
Summa Cum Laude Sponsor
Eight sponsorships – $3,000
Table of 8 guests/2 VIP tickets/corporate logo and colors on table/ logo in event booklet/recognition from the podium/ logo displayed during the event.
Single sponsorship – $2,500
Two dinner tickets/2 VIP tickets/corporate logo placement on VIP tickets & VIP Lounge signage/ logo displayed during the event/media mentions as VIP Lounge Sponsor.
Magna Cum Laude Sponsor
Six sponsorships – $1,550
Corporate Logo displayed in booklet/Underwrite 3 JA classes
Table Sponsor
Table of 6 guests + 2 students or 8 guests/Corporate logo on table. – $1,250
Corporate Logo displayed on table
Individual Tickets
Individual seat for Dinner and Reception – $160
Small business rate
Individual seat for Dinner and Reception – $80
Advertise at the Event
Advertise to over 400 business owners, entrepreneurs, and prominent community leaders at this year’s Biggest Night in Business!

Full Page
- 5.25″ x 7.5″ vertical ad
- ad placed predominately in first pages of program
Also Includes:
- minimum of 4 social media posts listing sponsorship on all social media platforms
- your sponsorship ad on presentation slide during program event

Half Page
- 5.25″ x 3.625″ horizontal ad
- ad placed predominately throughout program (not in general sponsorship section)
Also includes:
- minimum of 1 social media posts listing sponsorship on all platforms

Quarter Page
- 2.5″ x 3.625″ vertical ad
- vertical ad in event booklet
All images for ads must be in .jpg, .png, or pdf format.
The deadline for ads is October 18, 2024.
Contact Betsy Feldmann for more information at